So 21. Aug 14:59:18 CEST 2011
Summer party at the local animal shelter
That's where I just was and it was good that you weren't allowed to take animals home today or I'd have two very cute cats and at least one dog now :)
We ate lots of cake and bbq stuff because all the money they made was for the animals, we looked at cats and dogs and warded off lots and lots of wasps. There's an invasion of them this summer. Not fun. And then we participated in the tombola and I even won two things! A gift certificate for a breakfast in an restaurant and a pedometer. Quite cool, if I hadn't bought one just two weeks ago...
Now I'm starting to pack and prepare for the visit (again) at lizzies...
Edit: Oh, I forgot to tell you all about the incredible bad singer there, who sang Eric Claptons "Leila" and Johnny Cashs "Folsom Prisom Blues" and it sounded exactly the same! And he continued to brutalize a lot of other songs and I really really wished I could just shut my ears but sadly that isn't possible. A significant flaw in human design. I mean, really! How can someone just alter the tune if it gets too low to sing for him??! And in what universe is it possible that those two songs sound the same??
Sa 20. Aug 14:31:39 CEST 2011
Last weekend and this weekend
I forgot to write about last weekend which was really nice. Lizzie and I talked the supersecret knitting project through and made a plan. Tomorrow we meet again and start phase 2. That is if I finish phase 1a today and 1b tomorrow. That's why I'm knitting like crazy right now...
There has been other stuff last weekend: I spent some quality time with my family, including my cute and headstrong niece of two and a half. She even called me afterwards to tell me she had olives which she just loves. Strange taste for a little girl but I find that very endearing! I only didn't see one of my sisters but she'll hopefully come to visit at my father's birthday so I'll see her soon.
Back to knitting... That's what lizzie and I did mostly while I was at hers... I made some progress on the striped socks, but we didn't have the time to block the skulls socks.
When I came back home I found a postcard from MalTea from Paris! Very nice! And some bills and the slip of paper that allows me to vote in the upcoming election.
And after this quick update, I get back to knitting...
Fr 12. Aug 13:21:47 CEST 2011
Prepping for the weekend II
Lizzies post inspired me to blog about the upcoming weekend too. Of course I already made various lists, no need to say how very ette that is of me. Because, you know, I'm me... :D But I rather enjoyed that comment, lizzie!
I'm gonna drive to my parents tomorrow and stay there till Tuesday, sneaking in a day at lizzie's. Today's the day of getting ready and getting things in order, the actual packing will start tomorrow morning.
I finished the skull stocking knitting project on Wednesday and as soon as dear osti explained to me how to upload pictures here, I'll post about it. (Waving whole fences at osti :D) Before I block it I really need to decide if I want to repair the little error in it or not. As I'm very unsure about that, I'll take them to lizzie who also will help me block them. I never done that before and can use some help.
Next knitting project in line is the supersecret one. This whole project is upsetting and exciting and I will explain everything about it when it's delivered. I really want a second pair of eyes from a fellow awesome knitter (Hello Sweetie! *waves to lizzie*) on that one. In the meantime I'm knitting a pair of striped socks.
This weekend will be dedicated to family, knitting and reading. I plan on packing a bunch of books and get through some while MalTea is on vacation, trying to take the lead on the challenge we have going on on twitter.
So far so good. That's the list for today:
- getting my laptop ready to take it with me
- gather things for supersecret knitting project
- spend an hour or two organising my storage attic
- deal with the stack of papers on my desk
And... I'll be bringing cherry liqueur. First because we both gonna need it with "Big Blue" and the supersecret knitting project, second because I have it, third because it tastes good, fourthly because elderly ladies drink liqueur, gossip and knit and we'll be doing exactly that. I'd bring a gray-haired wig with short curls if I only had one! :D And last but not least because I like the German saying "Denn wer Sorgen hat, hat auch Likör." which translates to "If you have worries, you have liqueur, too.". It's nice to sit down with a friend and drink a glass or two when everything's gray. Not that everything's gray in the moment... And I don't recommend that as the only problem solving method. As lizzie stated nicely not long ago, I live in a town where this kind of problem solving is the cause for most problems :D