That's where I just was and it was good that you weren't allowed to take animals home today or I'd have two very cute cats and at least one dog now :)
We ate lots of cake and bbq stuff because all the money they made was for the animals, we looked at cats and dogs and warded off lots and lots of wasps. There's an invasion of them this summer. Not fun. And then we participated in the tombola and I even won two things! A gift certificate for a breakfast in an restaurant and a pedometer. Quite cool, if I hadn't bought one just two weeks ago...
Now I'm starting to pack and prepare for the visit (again) at lizzies...
Edit: Oh, I forgot to tell you all about the incredible bad singer there, who sang Eric Claptons "Leila" and Johnny Cashs "Folsom Prisom Blues" and it sounded exactly the same! And he continued to brutalize a lot of other songs and I really really wished I could just shut my ears but sadly that isn't possible. A significant flaw in human design. I mean, really! How can someone just alter the tune if it gets too low to sing for him??! And in what universe is it possible that those two songs sound the same??