Full Disclosure
As I am starting this blog, I think I have to start with a full recap of my
ongoing knitting projects. But this is getting rather difficult, because my
most active projects are all those I can't disclose of just yet. They are going
to be presents. I'll have to fill them in, as I give them away. Now here is my
rather embarrassingly long list, that proves my short attention span (concerning
knitting projects):
- code name "Blue Beast". Yesterday I got out my food colouring and dyed the
second batch of blue wool with a bit of green. I'm really hoping that those
500g in total will be enough because osti won't stop complaining about the
smell of hot wool and vinegar. Knitwise I'm approximately at the halfway
- code name "Cuddly and Sweet". Something cute and funny for my nephew
to-be-born. Following the pattern I ended up with ridiculously large feet. I
have to get around to fixing that, but Blue Beast's recipient's birthday is
coming up.
- code name "Quack". This is funny and for very little feet and just needs a few
last stitches and the ends woven in.
- code name "Wraparound". My first serious attempt at developing a pattern
and again for my nephew. (I know. It's getting ridiculous.)
- a cute little sweater in cotton for my niece. I had it finished, but
in trying it on, my sister and I decided it needs a little more body
- code name "Rainbow". I'm not going to say anything at all. This one will
be a really big surprise.
- one pair of Argyle-Socks. I was halfway through the first pattern, when I
realised the intended recipient won't appreciate it at all or even be happy
about it. So now I'm one present short for the upcoming birthdays and the
Argyles have to do some meditating at the bottom of my knitting basket.
- code name "Very blue". There is nothing I can say. Any details at all and
the recipient will catch on.
- a little blue jacket, that my sis started. She discovered that she doesn't
find any knitting time at all, so I'm finishing that. We are faking it
following a purchased jacket, which in itself is posing several problems. Then
there is the yarn: a gorgeous deep blue Merino-Alpaka-Nylon blend, but clingy
as hell.
- One half knit sock in red with thrums in different yellows. I was too damn
stupid when I knit those for my mothers birthday and started the second one on
smaller needles. They turned out widely too small. But since my mother reported
that her pair got bigger in wearing them, they may have a future there.
- one pair of a knitty-sock pattern, that I can't remember right now, in
foggy green. The first one is nearly finished.
- two Laminarias, again knitty pattern. The first one is a really beautiful
Merino in shocking blue. It only needs about three rows but I'm out of yarn
and I really have to buy more. The other is not very far along and forest
- code name "Pick a Side" a sweater for my niece that's only one half of an
arm right now.
I think that is it. You're going to see hopefully everyone of them again as I
finish them or, in case of the secret ones, as I give them away.
Now I have to start cooking because we are starving and tonight it's meatloaf.
Posted by lizzie
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