Today is a crappy day. It started with being woken by the construction work beneath my living room window. Some big machine shook the whole house including my bed and me. Then I made it out of my front door just in time. Today is my day of holding office hours for the student representatives of my faculty. At that point I discovered that the road construction that woke me earlier and that is directly between my and the faculty building progressed just today to the point of taring. A layer of hot road tar had just been lain down effectively cutting me of from the physics building. I had to walk all the way around the construction work to get there and was by then 25 minutes late for opening office.
Additionally we had to power down our server for one day because of work on the local power grid. That means no blog today (I'm prepping the posts offline and am going to upload them tomorrow, hopefully.) and no mails today.
When I finally got to our office I discovered, that my favorite webradio is also down. For some reason it just won't play.
I had a few nice visitors including two former members of the student representatives board (I don't know how it's properly called in English. We are about eleven people, elected indirectly by the student body of the faculty and we represent them before faculty board and try to solve problems of all kinds that are arise when studying physics.) I chatted with one of them who just got back from Sweden and needed a signature for a form concerning her Master thesis, which is kind of weird and a new procedure. She brought to my attention that the mensa (a canteen for students and university staff) is closed today. Also our in-house cafeteria is closed for the whole month and the cafeteria at the mensa is closed too today. That means: no food on the whole Northern Campus.
'Coffee', I thought. 'I need coffee now.' You see I'm stuck here till 4 o'clock, trying to make up for the missed office hour this morning and I haven't eaten a thing today. So I went to the coffee vending machine in the basement and fed it one Euro, it returned 10 cents, spitted out a plastic cup, there was a faint sound of water running, but it didn't yield any precious coffee. Then the elevator started acting all funny and needed several tries to open its doors. Luckily (although that is the only piece of luck all day so far) I was on the outside.
That is my day today. Hope yours is better. Later today I'll tell you all about yesterday, which was my fathers birthday and I lift the mystery of Blue Beast.