Update on my queue
I think I have to update my queue (such a surprise, when you've read the
title), since there was quite a change in the last two weeks.
I'll start with the things from my previous queue, that have been finished:
- Blue Beast. Finished and already given to my father. Pics should follow
- Cuddly and Sweet. Also finished and tucked away in my
- Quack. Same here.
- Wraparound. Done but still waiting on buttons.
- Striped Cotton Sweater. Done and already in use (hopefully, in spite of
its sad lack of pink and violet)
Hmm, quite a list, when you write it down like this.
On to the sad list of sleeping projects, that dream of the day I'm struck by
inspiration and finally knit them.
- fingerless orange gloves with beads
- Square one of maybe some day a blanket
- Argyle-Socks. Can't say I'm overly motivated to finish them.
- Red thrummed sock. Same here, especially since it's born out of a stupid
- the blue laminaria. Damn, I need to order that ball of yarn.
- Pick a Side. By the time I'm finished, it won't fit my niece anymore.
Also not an insignificant list. Damn.
Now we are getting to the interesting part. Things I'm knitting on (or should
be knitting on)
- black thrummed mittens. I should finish them at the last in time for the first snow up
in Zellerfeld.
- The blue alpaca jacket. Also falls into the "should"-category.
- "Very Blue". Has to be done by Christmas. I would knit on it, had my
knitting basket not swallowed it. Damn.
- The foggy green socks. It's Cachoeira (Can
you blame me for forgetting that name?)
- the dark green laminaria. There is quite a bit to knit still, but I'm
currently in the boring phase where know the pattern by heart and still have
to knit the repeat about three and a half times. I really like the pattern,
but it's slow going at the moment.
- sewing up Rainbow. It just takes time and since I have time on that one:
also slow going.
- Heelix in the same foggy green as cachorrooeeoooia (I just can't seem to
remember the name properly. Maybe I should look up the Greek spelling and put
my education to a good use.) and white. I'm nearly at the toe on sock number
- Rrroar, a new project and a fast one. It's a hat knit from the leftovers
of Cuddly and Sweet. I only need to do about six rows and the embellishments.
I'm not so sure it will fit an newborn, since its smaller than the pattern
specifies. Additionally is my sister known for producing quite large newborns.
All the little booties I knit for my niece never came into use, because she
entirely skipped that particular size. Not that it is particularly
problematic. Either both the booties and the hat fit my nephew or they will
put them to good use on their dolls and stuffed animals.
- The Aeolian Shawl. I started it and it's going great with one exception:
Regia lace and placing beads with a crochet hook, not so great. Don't get me
wrong it's working fine, but the yarn is rather loosely spun, so you don't
always get it completely with the hook. You constantly have to keep an eye on
it. So far I love the pattern, but that is no surprise, since I was equally
enchanted with Laminaria, both from the brilliant mind of Elizabeth Freeman.
The violet beads are bit too girly for my taste, so that I have to derive my
joy purely from knitting it and then find an victim to give it to.
Next time I'll give you my plans, which I now have to discuss with ette :)