Today happened the sweetest thing that can possibly happen to a knitter. First you have to know that today is the first real day of autumn here. It's been raining on and of the whole day, hardly any sun at all. You might think this gloomy, for me it's the beginning of my favourite time of year. And it has been aptly accompanied by my personal sign of the approaching glory: I found the first chestnuts of the year. And then my father phoned just to say that he is wearing Blue Beast the first time and that it is so soft and warm and caresses his back. (That was just what I had in mind for him while I was knitting away on it, since he has been plagued by backaches for years.) And that an acquaintance commented on it, asking if it was hand knit, because those were the best :)
Meanwhile Wraparound got four tiny adorable mother-of-pearl buttons from my mothers button stash, that in itself is comprised of her mothers, her (paternal) grandmothers and her own. That, I think, is really, really sweet and makes for great discoveries and hidden treasures every time you go through it. Also I finished Double Heelix sock No 1 and cast on No 2. I'm still not sure, if should make them identical or fraternal (switching the colours on foot and leg) but that decision can wait till nearly to the end, making it possible to discuss it lengthly with ette :)
One thing remains and must be told: My niece refused unwaveringly to wear the striped cotton sweater because it has neither pink nor violet in it and that makes clothes unacceptable to her right now (Truth to be told, it bugs the hell out of my sister). But she had a rather ingenious idea: she took my niece shopping for buttons and they picked three cute ducks to be sewn decoratively to the sweater. My sis wanted to place them on the red stripes as they have red bows around their necks but my niece insisted that they had to go on the green one, because they are going for a walk. Nothing could be more logical.