Fr 25. Nov 14:44:38 CET 2011 (osti)
Finally — my thesis has gone to the Prüfungsamt and makes a round-trip to the
Prüfungskommission. A room has been booked for my Disputation mid-December;
stay tuned for more info.
Fr 18. Nov 19:45:07 CET 2011 (osti)
Stromberg, Season 5
Thesis is in print, lizzie, ette, and some friends of them are at the movies.
I am going to have a look at Stromberg's season five now,
and maybe some Harald Schmidts.
Mo 7. Nov 07:43:32 CET 2011 (osti)
Find photos taken at the ['ju:nien] lan
party last weekend at our friends of
So 6. Nov 19:37:48 CET 2011 (osti)
Die nächste Letzte ist vorbei
Die nächste Letzte ist vorbei. Die fünfzehnte Ausgabe der junien-LAN-Party in Hagen endete heute Mittag, nach drei Tagen LAN, Känguruh-Boxen und Bobbycarturnier. Es gab #quiz-Bot, "kein" Flunkyball, viel Bier und umstrittene Pizza.
Wir warten auf die Jungs von, dass sie meine Bildergalerie freischalten. Link folgt dann.
Gute Nacht und bis nächstes Jahr.
Sat Nov 5 12:49:16 CET 2011 (lizzie)
Catching up (Part 1)
Obviously, I got lazy with the blog in the last few weeks. I'm trying to catch
you up on what happened. And I will split it into different posts, only
because osti always complains, he has to read so much when I post :). So now
I'll try to write up what has happened in my life since the last post, the
next one will deal with the knitting progress and general yarn stuff and in a
third post I'll tell you what is going on right now. :)
In my last post I just started on different nursing shawls for my big sister, when I got swallowed up by the preparations for the freshman orientation week. First of all I invested two days into reediting our little magazine for freshman. I don't recall if it already came up, but I used to be quite involved in the student site of faculty politics. Nowadays I'm mostly retired and try to be the voice of experience and if it is necessary I chip in. So this year I was stuck with updating, proofreading and finally re-layouting the "Hamsterexpress". I worked for two days straight and long hours to make the deadline for printing only to get the news, that the printer was broken and printing had to be delayed for a day. Damn. But through luck and persistence it got printed in time.
As a special treat for our freshmen this year prepared a screening of "Piled Higher and Deeper - The PhD-Movie". To cover the expenses we advertised on the whole science campus and arranged for a advance ticket sale; that meant me sitting all day long in the office with the tickets. Advance sales started on Monday with the screening on Friday. Sales were picking up slowly, but by Wednesday afternoon all our expenses were covered; than, apparently, we hopped onto a train to crazy town, because by Thursday morning we had to print additional tickets and by afternoon we had sold twice as many tickets as Wednesday afternoon; us booking more than one lecture hall, didn't seem like over-carefulness any longer, but more like a necessity. By midday on Friday we had to close advance sales in order to have any tickets left for sales before the screening. There we were sold out flat in 15 minutes, leaving approximately a hundred people without tickets. We had 565 guests that evening and are still simply flabbergasted by the sheer amount of people. But it was a ton of fun and the atmosphere was overwhelming.
The next Monday (surprisingly) the semester started up again and I had to pick my courses. Simultaneously I did some proofreading for ostis dissertation. Not much to tell there, but time consuming.
That was my recap of the past weeks, my next post will be all about my knitting projects.
In my last post I just started on different nursing shawls for my big sister, when I got swallowed up by the preparations for the freshman orientation week. First of all I invested two days into reediting our little magazine for freshman. I don't recall if it already came up, but I used to be quite involved in the student site of faculty politics. Nowadays I'm mostly retired and try to be the voice of experience and if it is necessary I chip in. So this year I was stuck with updating, proofreading and finally re-layouting the "Hamsterexpress". I worked for two days straight and long hours to make the deadline for printing only to get the news, that the printer was broken and printing had to be delayed for a day. Damn. But through luck and persistence it got printed in time.
As a special treat for our freshmen this year prepared a screening of "Piled Higher and Deeper - The PhD-Movie". To cover the expenses we advertised on the whole science campus and arranged for a advance ticket sale; that meant me sitting all day long in the office with the tickets. Advance sales started on Monday with the screening on Friday. Sales were picking up slowly, but by Wednesday afternoon all our expenses were covered; than, apparently, we hopped onto a train to crazy town, because by Thursday morning we had to print additional tickets and by afternoon we had sold twice as many tickets as Wednesday afternoon; us booking more than one lecture hall, didn't seem like over-carefulness any longer, but more like a necessity. By midday on Friday we had to close advance sales in order to have any tickets left for sales before the screening. There we were sold out flat in 15 minutes, leaving approximately a hundred people without tickets. We had 565 guests that evening and are still simply flabbergasted by the sheer amount of people. But it was a ton of fun and the atmosphere was overwhelming.
The next Monday (surprisingly) the semester started up again and I had to pick my courses. Simultaneously I did some proofreading for ostis dissertation. Not much to tell there, but time consuming.
That was my recap of the past weeks, my next post will be all about my knitting projects.
Fr 4. Nov 20:29:22 CET 2011 (Pizza @ junien)
Dissertation zur Druckerei gebracht und dann auf zur junien gefahren. Laptop läuft, Netz ist auch da, gleich kommt
das Intro.
Ein internetweiter Bring-Dienst verteilt Kekskrümmel als Gratis-"Pizza". Die vollständigen Versionen kann man — wie gewohnt — kaufen. Gleicher Preis, gleiche Größe wie im letzten Jahr. Aber leider nicht die versprochene Paprika- Pizzen. Schade.
Salami und Hawaii tun sich gut. Soße ist sehr fluid; manche finden, es sei zu viel Käse, ich bin zufrieden; Größe angemessen. Nicht ganz stabil, fettig wie 2010. Aber fein heiß.
Wartezeit: Leider sehr lang, da ein Teil der Pizzen kleingehackt verschenkt wird.
Ein internetweiter Bring-Dienst verteilt Kekskrümmel als Gratis-"Pizza". Die vollständigen Versionen kann man — wie gewohnt — kaufen. Gleicher Preis, gleiche Größe wie im letzten Jahr. Aber leider nicht die versprochene Paprika- Pizzen. Schade.
Salami und Hawaii tun sich gut. Soße ist sehr fluid; manche finden, es sei zu viel Käse, ich bin zufrieden; Größe angemessen. Nicht ganz stabil, fettig wie 2010. Aber fein heiß.
Wartezeit: Leider sehr lang, da ein Teil der Pizzen kleingehackt verschenkt wird.