Checking things off my agenda
So now I have to come clean and tell you how much actually got done from my
agenda over the extended weekend (I snuck in an extra day at my parents,
mostly spent cuddling my niece).
- "Blue Beast" was bound off, the ends woven in and ready for the big steek
adventure about ten min before ette rang. I had to wrangle a bit with my
sewing machine, because the little conveyer belt (or what ever it is properly
called) under the needle liked the knitted fabric a little too much.
Additionally the bound off edge kept curling over the little foot-like thingie,
that keeps the fabric in place. Than I got out the latte macchiato liqueur and
got myself a little bit of courage. I got out the scissors, ette had to
reassure me a bit and then I cut the steeks. I was enormously relieved that the
blob of wool had finally taken on the intended shape :) And then I spend the
next two hours backstitching the hell out of the steek edges to sew down the
cut bits and get a clean field for picking up stitches. That I did yesterday
night. It should be ready for giving away well ahead of time. Regarding
pictures I have to tell you, its all very secret until its been given away.
We did take lots of pictures, but, of cause, forgot to transfer them :)
- I finally managed to knit one foot for "Cuddly and Sweet" in the
appropriate size. But I had to frog one really small one for that, but luckily
only the sole. So it should be done soon.
- I seem to have a problem with "Quack". Its really only about ten rows of
roughly 40 stitches to do plus weaving in the ends, but it always gets bumped
to the end of the active queue. Maybe its because there is so little left to
do: I think I keep thinking it won't be enough to keep me occupied and that I
don't want to schlep too many projects and I'll need a sewing needle and a pair
of scissors and... Man, its really handy, that it only needs to be done by
late October :) Though I think I'll have to knit an other version of them.
- Getting to "Rainbow" I can tell you proudly, that I got done nearly one
half of one seam. And that one looks really great. (And I don't want to think
about the 13 and a half seams that still need to be seamed. Lalala. I've still
got months for that. Lalala)
- On elongating the cotton sweater I can report picking up the stitches and
picking apart one row and knitting nearly all of the elongation on the front
part. I'm telling you, playgrounds are a really great place to knit, as long
as Granpa is watching my niece :) Also I got talked about by some half grown
girls in not so hushed tones. "That woman is sewing!" - "No, it's
knitting", I reply. - "It looks really hard" - "Not so much. You get used
to it" (Because what else can you say.) And that was as long their attention
span reached.
So that puts me at two and two halves out of five. All in all I can't
complain. Now I just have to figure out what exactly the command for switching on the
spell check is and I can bore you to tears with this post :) I may be boring
you till you get that twitch in your eye, but at least my spelling won't make
you weep :)