Again with the aganda
Today I'm giving you just a quick rundown of my agenda:
- "Blue Beast" hasn't been knit much. I finished one facing, but I'm
thinking of ripping out the bind off again. I used the sewn one because I
wanted it to be loose enough, but now it's wobbling a bit. I think I 'll be
really irritated, if I don't fix it, but, damn, ripping out a sewn cast of in
a pain in the butt. So "Blue Beast" is meditating at the moment :)
- "Cuddly and Sweet" has one and a half feet now and will hopefully be
finished when I'm going sleeping tonight.
- As soon as I blogged about my seeming inability to finish "Quack" they
smiled at me, when "Blue Beast" was bitching, so they are done and really cute
- On "Rainbow" I'm halfway through the second seam.
- The elongating of the striped cotton sweater I finished also, with a
result nobody could have expected. When it had strangely long sleeves before
and was nicknamed "Gorilla-Pulli" now the body seems oddly - what's the word
- long. So I'll have to confer with my big sis before closing the
It seems to me I'll need a new Agenda for the weekend :)