So 15. Apr 18:24:41 CEST 2012 (ette)
Cold in April
I'm recovering from a cold. Yesterday I was able to knit again. So far so good. I finished a pair of socks, I got a lot done with my green scarf but when I turned to the scarf knitted with the knobbly yarn things got out of control.
The knobbly yarn informed me it didn't want to be a boring scarf. It wants to be a pullover, a vest, legwarmers or at least a scarf with pompoms. I think it has a point. Pompoms would be cool! And I really loove crazy clothes! Maybe a pullover with pompoms?
Thing is, I always wear non-crazy clothes. Usually in one color. I'd have to lose some weight and gain a lot of confidence to wear the clothes the knobbly yarn suggests.
Lizzie advised me to put it aside and talk to it again when I'm well. Good plan. Right? *sigh*
So 15. Apr 09:50:37 CEST 2012 (osti)
Ballverein Borussia Dortmund
Sa 14. Apr 13:30:38 CEST 2012 (osti)
"Alle gegen Bild"
Journalistisch arbeitet die „Bild“ mit höchst fragwürdigen Methoden. Regelmäßig werden in der „Bild“ die Persönlichkeitsrechte der dargestellten Personen verletzt und die Menschenwürde missachtet.
Mit einer massenhaften Verweigerung der Zustellung wollen wir eine Debatte über die „Bild“-Berichterstattung anstoßen.
Erteilen auch Sie der „Bild“ eine Absage und verweigern Sie jetzt online die Zustellung der Jubiläums-„Bild“.
Mi 11. Apr 07:47:28 CEST 2012 (osti)
Greetings from Schönburg
It's rather rainy today, we have missed only one talk yesterday and had the opportunity to get up earlier this morning. Now we are waiting for birds on the cam.
Ah, coffee is rea...
Tue Apr 10 09:27:03 CEST 2012 (lizzie)
Chlorine alert
Today the workday in our physics building was rudely interrupted by the police. Apparently Chlorine gas leaked somewhere and everyone had to leave the building. Or wasn't allowed in in the first place, since it was early morning. For an hour everyone was standing around, first outside, then we were allowed into a small part of the building.
All things considered it was slightly exiting and a nice variation on the fairly common fire alarm. Usually that happens without the police and lasts no longer than 30 minutes.
Do 5. Apr 08:01:34 CEST 2012 (osti)
Travelling me
It slightly seems slightly feasible; discussions today and tests in late April will presumably show pitfalls and — hopefully — solutions.
Di 3. Apr 08:40:28 CEST 2012 (osti)
a loud screech...
Mon Apr 2 12:31:22 CEST 2012 (lizzie)
Travelling Friends
A few days ago we received a very nice postcard from a friend, who is visiting LA and doing a bit of research there. Thank you very much for that!

Mail from LA
Mo 2. Apr 11:20:42 CEST 2012 (ette)
Nine Days ago
Last weekend I traveled to lizzie and osti. Because my car is sick I went by bus and train and that was amazingly not annoying: I finished what I call my red bat. That's this lovely shawl in, you'd have guessed it right, red :D. My first attempt in lace knitting went well, but I'm procrastinating on blocking it because I fear it turned out too small. And yes, there's no logic whatsoever in not blocking it and finding out for real.
After some family time with loads of important stuff happening on Friday night, all of which is not your concern ;) we had a NKL meetup on Saturday. NKL you ask? That's the Ninja Knitting League Lizzie and I founded with two friends. Lots of fun so far :) This time we started by visiting a local yarn shop. Not sure it classifies as a brilliant or a really bad idea... All the attending NKL members fell in love with beautiful yarn and bought way more then they wanted including me.

This is what I bought. I really only wanted some green cotton yarn to make a hat for the summer as I get sunburn on my head and sadly all hats you can buy are too small for my head. Who invented one size fits all? IT DOESN'T!!!! Well, they not only don't fit, I also don't have a hat face. It looks plain wrong. But... sunburn! Not fun... I decided to make a green hat, because I love the colour and what the heck, if I have to look stupid it better be in my favourite colour :D. You see the yarn in the left lower corner.
Then I fell in love with the two sock yarns in the right lower corner. One in greens and one in candy colour. This are the two shades that always scream to me... Lizzie already laughs about it a lot. May be the reason why I don't have any male sock yarn :D
And then the two skeins of knobbly yarn! It's merino and 1% nylon and it's soo soft and beautiful and I love it! (It's blick fang from zitron in the shade Wohlgefühl) I immediately casted on a simple shawl on Sunday morning. As much as I love the yarn as much of a pain in the *clears her throat* behind it is to knit it. Knobs... not fun to knit... but it's so soft, I think the result will be worth the annoyance. I had to unravel it once, because I changed the pattern and made it less wide to gain more length. It now looks like this:

The amount of yarn already gone now made me suspicious and I feared a short shawl and this yarn screams for a loong scarf! I did some research on ravelry, calculated a bit and found out that with my current width it only will be as long as 177cm. Too short. If I reduce the width from now 24cm to 18 cm it will be 237cm long. Better. Not good though. But I can't make it any smaller, 18cm is the minimum width in my book :) I'll see how it turns out, maybe I'll need to acquire more yarn. Sadly that means I have to unravel it all AGAIN. And if the knitting is annoying, unraveling a knotty yarn is really really bad...
I really wanted another sock yarn too, btw, but my fellow ninjas were faster than me and took the great yarn, in greens again, right before my eyes... I tried to snitch a skein but sadly lizzie caught me. She also checked my bags before I travelled home. The saying "All is fair in love and war." should be extended <.<;
Now that I described the wool wonders, I can get to the rest of the day: We ate de-li-cious burritos with guacamole lizzie made herself. So very yummy! We drank caipis and we chatted and showed each other our finished and unfinished projects and newly acquired yarn. I have to mention two beautiful lace shawls, cool socks, leg warmers and a dragon hat! And we sat in the spring sun an knitted. It was amazing!
Mon Apr 2 10:39:45 CEST 2012 (lizzie)
Hi there. I'm really annoyed. I have three projects in my current knitting rotation (I do have lots and lots more on the needles, but those are the ones I've knit on in the last week or so) and all three hit a snag over the weekend.
First of all I finished up a secret project for my mothers birthday and the nagging feeling I had the whole time proved to be well founded. After Bind-off I couldn't ignore any longer that it's totally too small. Luckily the deadline is not until July, so I do have time to fix this and I have already an idea how to do that. When I see ette at easter I will bounce that off her.
Then there is this cute little cardigan for my nephew. The problem there: I'm out of yarn, and it still needs a buttonband. Sadly I got the yarn on sale, because it was the last. It seems to be in the process of being discontinued. I'm trying to score a final ball in various yarn shops. Otherwise I need to find a similar yarn and all that before my nephew grows :/
Finally, I started knittys Carousel which went really well, except for a minor sizing issue. Turns out by following the pattern I don't knit it for me, but for my mother, who has significantly smaller feet than me. That is totally fine with me. (I really like knitting socks, but sadly I don't really like wearing them. I have constantly warm feet and also being to warm tends make my fuse grow shorter by the minute. According to my mother that was already true, when I was a baby) For some whacked out reason I miscounted, when joining the second sock. I finally noticed something was off, when the color shift didn't match at the ankle. Damn!