Mi 21. Dez 11:08:04 CET 2011 (osti)

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Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Linux

Fr 9. Dez 07:33:18 CET 2011 (osti)

problem with xfce4-terminal

Hello world.

After my last Gentoo update (portage tree as of Sun, 04 Dec 2011 02:30:01 +0000, amd64 platform), xfce4's terminal has some fancy key repeat problems.

Holding a key, the event is delayed for the repeat delay time. Then repeating starts, and ends when releasing the key; although often, the last character appears a (random?) time afterwards.

Starting xev from terminal, this is reproduced. Starting an xterm (from terminal!), problem solved; now starting again a terminal (from within xterm), problem appears again.

Could neither find a bug report nor time to write one. Maybe I'm not the only one with this problem?


Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Linux