Mo 20. Feb 07:39:46 CET 2012
computing tax
Last two weekends I found time to (nearly) finish my tax computation for
"oh-eleven". Missing are four copies and four so-called Eigenbelege (maybe
missing receipt declarations?). Elster is down, so I couldn't submit the cover
pages electronically.
Sa 18. Feb 14:14:59 CET 2012
Gauck and liberty
One week ago the
has come to my notice: Joachim Gauck, former civil rights activist in the GDR,
speaks about liberty. It's parallel to Leipzig book fair, so hotel room is
rare. But since we currently have no president, it's getting very
interesting now.
Sa 18. Feb 14:07:10 CET 2012
Sum it up with... PostScript
Lizzie's planning to buy wool for new stitching projects and has a list of
prices. To sum them up I proposed the following PostScript one-liner:
count 1 sub { add } repeat =
A more exhaustive PostScript programme to print a table also exists.
Do 16. Feb 08:33:09 CET 2012
Go, Alex, go!
"Calorimeter-Based Triggers at the ATLAS Detector for Supersymmetry in
Zero-Lepton Final States"
today, 10 am, defense-approved SR 7
today, 10 am, defense-approved SR 7
Di 7. Feb 07:53:34 CET 2012
coding: lucky look
Some weeks ago new digital cameras for IRP's microscopes arrived. Project name of my web-based live viewer: lucky look.
List of features, those marked with an asterisk (*) are planned, those with a plus (+) are currently under development and testing:
List of features, those marked with an asterisk (*) are planned, those with a plus (+) are currently under development and testing:
- Half sized (or in 2D: quarter sized) and full size live view mode
- Collaborative markers and lines in different colours, parallel for all users
- Generate PostScript file including markers and lines, to print and paste into your lab book (different sizes)
- Live viewing everywhere, including hutch and canteen
- (+) Parallel viewing of two cameras (we have three)
- (*) Add text notes
- (*) Set exposure time and gain from your running spec session
- (*) Support of layers that can be hidden
- (*) Remove single markers
- (+) Screenshots follow shortly.