Do 5. Apr 08:01:34 CEST 2012

Travelling me

Me has travelled to Villigen, Switzerland. Although there is currently no beam here at the Swiss Light Source, it is considered as working time: We are discussing a fancy spec macro we want to use at our holography end station.

It slightly seems slightly feasible; discussions today and tests in late April will presumably show pitfalls and — hopefully — solutions.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

So 4. Mär 20:02:10 CET 2012

rush hour @ junien registration

Okay, it's 8 pm and 2 minutes, and we already have 42 registrations for the next ("last") junien lanparty.

What, still not registered? click here, hurry!

Plot of the first 120 seconds:
plot of the first 120 seconds

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling, Linux

So 4. Mär 09:57:06 CET 2012

Forschen verantworten

In late April there's a symposium "Forschen verantworten" (maybe "account for research") in Jena, organised by scholarship holders of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

It's about freedom of research; relations between science, politics, and people; ethics and moral, concerning impact assessment of technology. So a lot of important topics for responsible and farsighted physicists, both students and researchers.

beam me up, Scotty

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling, Physics

Do 1. Mär 08:21:04 CET 2012

it's getting foolish...

Our friends over at finally found a slogan: "langsam wird's albern". Since a junien LAN party is never foolish, registration starts on Sunday, 20 pm local. So get your connection clean, since the first ~50 fools click just in the first seconds.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling, Linux

Sa 18. Feb 14:14:59 CET 2012

Gauck and liberty

One week ago the Cicero-Foyergespräch has come to my notice: Joachim Gauck, former civil rights activist in the GDR, speaks about liberty. It's parallel to Leipzig book fair, so hotel room is rare. But since we currently have no president, it's getting very interesting now.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

Mo 30. Jan 08:11:46 CET 2012

short update

Short update: last week Users' Meetings at european XFEL and Hasylab, this week 3-way-meeting at the ESRF. Start in a quarter hour. Have to go.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

Mo 23. Jan 08:14:29 CET 2012

the "last" junien LAN party

Hi there,

just some seconds ago I realised that the nuts over at have agreed on a date for their next "last" social event, featuring high-speed LAN connectivity and maximum throughput of beer. Or coffee, in my case.

A quick <ul> with the details:
  • ['ju:niɘn] XVI
  • October 12th to 14th
  • Stadthalle Hagen
  • next to Mercure Hagen
  • beam be up, Spock
See you there!

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling, Linux

Do 29. Dez 17:49:13 CET 2011

moving servers, also hosting the k-raum, just moved from the Kellnerweg to Manitu.

osti@mo-offline ~ $ traceroute -q 1
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  marvin.kel.wh.lokal (  0.171 ms
 2 (  0.492 ms
 3 (  0.597 ms
 4 (  0.671 ms
 5 (  2.978 ms
 6 (  7.422 ms
 7 (  19.658 ms
 8 (  20.918 ms
 9 (  21.722 ms
10 (  21.035 ms
11 (  25.091 ms
12 (  25.728 ms

Most services are up again and running.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

So 25. Dez 18:35:16 CET 2011

Weihnachtsmann in a hurry

hurry up!
Weihnachtsmann in a hurry

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

So 28. Aug 19:34:26 CEST 2011

bag back, again

So, a short coverage of my returning flights. Online check-in was broken, so got up early and took the bus to San Diego Lindbergh Fields. Self service check-in thing called for assistance; finally I got seats on three planes and waved goodbye to my bag.

First flight was to Dallas. Here it's time for the German saying about the famous TV series: "Gott sieht allas, außer Dallas", like "God watches everything, except Dallas". There I should have plenty of time to make the connection. As if! Our plane came from the east coast and had an hour or so of Irene-induced delay. So arriving in Dallas, time was short for changing terminals (of course) and looking out for a men's room. Not even time to buy some water.

\approx nine hours later: Heathrow. Tailwind, so plenty of time for calling lissy, buying a bite, and getting to the gate. High noon in Genève; crossing the EU border, waiting for the bag. Finally filled out a claim form.

Searching a ped walk to my hotel (I really needed some rest), I ran into Andrea. We had a lot of "fun" finding the right bus and the station. Only three hours of sleep later: "We found your bag". Indeed, Dallas Fort Worth is too big for helpless little bags.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

Sa 27. Aug 18:04:24 CEST 2011

In the sky again

SPIE conference in San Diego, CA, visit to the Advanced Photon Source in Argonne, IL — my trip to the USA is over, now I'm sitting at gate 29 of Terminal 2, SAN. Flying with AA to Dallas first, then an overnight with BA to Heathrow and finally to Geneva. Shuttle to Grenoble, hopefully no too late.


Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling