Mi 24. Aug 21:32:42 CEST 2011

a burger for ette

Being in Burgerica, it's hard to miss these compliments for your palatine. Yesterday, I served as a palatine proxy for ette. Yummy!

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

Di 23. Aug 03:45:45 CEST 2011

talked a talk today

Greetings from SPIE conference in San Diego.

I was invited to give a talk in conference 8141; today was the big day: "Partially coherent x-ray beam simulations: mirrors and more" attracted some 40 auditors. I finished my 50 slides in time, so there was enough room for a lively and interesting discussion. More perhaps later, going to bed soon.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

So 21. Aug 12:31:31 CEST 2011

got my bag back

BA 273 has landed roughly on time yesterday evening; I walked up to San Diego Lindbergh field, asked some staff, and finally got it (55 minutes after landing). If you see a guy wearing the same shirt next week — it's not me!

SPIE conference gonna start today, in ~9 hours; so in CET it already begun.

Will take some San Diego-views for you in the morning.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling

Sa 20. Aug 17:58:23 CEST 2011

Going to San Diego

There's a large optics conference starting tomorrow in San Diego, California. I'm already there — but would be nice if my bag would make it, so I can take a few two-dimensional projections for you to show.

My 24 hours itinerary, given in local timezones:
  • 8 heures 30: Au revoir Grenoble,
  • 11 heures: Bonjour Genève,
  • 1 am: London calling, not much time to make it to the next gate,
  • 8pm: arriving in Chicago; have to cross the border. Officer asked two questions and I got the stamp,
  • 8-thirty, waiting for my bag that has to go through customs. But no luck :(
  • Local airways contact has found my bag to be on direct flight to San Diego, arriving tomorrow evening.
  • Service worker says I shall claim it in San Diego and go to my connecting flight. That means US security check, now...
  • I'm no terrorist and waiting at the gate. Got some jeans cloth out of the ATM.
  • 11 pm, arriving at San Diego (it's 9 hours behind central Europe). Still now bag showing up, asking local airways contact. Got some receipt with a tracking number. But web page does not yet know where the bag is.
  • 11pm +: Last bus has already gone; searching pacific ocean and walking to downtown. Hotel is on West Broadway, there might me some signs to help me.
  • 12pm: No signs. But I actually chose the right way and got some sleep.
  • 12pm: Mobile not working. Should have brought my second one; although broken, knows the US frequencies. Headset for VoIP still in London :(
Now it's 9 am in the morning and I will go shopping a plug converter and some antiperspirant.

Posted by osti | Permalink | Categories: Travelling